About Us

Our Mission

Our mission at SCOFTA is to foster the growth and development of the food truck industry on the Sunshine Coast by creating a supportive and dynamic community. We aim to unite food truck operators, support local businesses, and enhance community engagement, ensuring a thriving environment for our members and the broader community.

Our Vision

Our vision for SCOFTA is to create a thriving and dynamic association that fosters the development of the food truck industry on the Sunshine Coast, inclusivity, for the benefit of its members and the community at large. We envision an association where food truck operators can come together and find a supportive environment that will help them manage and grow their businesses.

Our Values

We uphold the values of integrity, fellowship, safety, and community, fostering an environment where food truck operators can come together with trust, support and a sense of community.

Our Guiding Principles

  1. We base decisions on evidence and are not afraid to challenge conventional wisdom.
  2. We follow due process and conduct ourselves with integrity.
  3. We actively support our members and the wider community through partnerships and programmes.
  4. We are apolitical and conscious of our ethical responsibilities.
  5. We strive to seek sustainability in all of our activities.


We will achieve our Mission through:

  1. Developing value adding activities and programs
  2. Engaging with Governments and communities.
  3. Building Camaraderie / supporting wellbeing
  4. Practicing Good Governance


Benefits –

SCOFTA , our food truck association can provide a range of benefits for food truck owners. These benefits often aim to support the growth, operation, and networking of food truck businesses. Some common members’ benefits include:

  1. Advocacy and Representation: SCOFTA aim to advocate for the interests of our members at local, state, and national government levels. We will work to influence policy and regulations that affect the food truck industry, helping to create a more favourable business environment.
  2. Networking Opportunities: Present opportunities for members to connect with each other, share experiences, and learn from one another. Networking events, meetings, and social gatherings can facilitate partnerships and collaborations among food truck owners.
  3. Educational Resources: Our aim is to eventually provide access to educational resources and training programs. These could include webinars, workshops, and seminars on topics such as business management, food safety, marketing, and culinary skills.
  4. Marketing and Promotional Support: We will be able to promote all our members through various channels, including social media, websites, and local events. This increased visibility can help attract more customers to individual food trucks.
  5. Event Access: We aim to organise food truck events, festivals, and other ideas that provide members with opportunities to showcase their food and attract a larger customer base. We will also be a conduit that provides events and catering opportunities.
  6. Legal and Regulatory Guidance: Navigating the legal and regulatory aspects of running a food truck can be challenging. We will aim to offer guidance and resources to help members comply with local health codes, permitting requirements, and other regulations.
  7. Community and Support: Being part of our association gives members a sense of community and mutual support. Food truck owners can share challenges, solutions, and successes with peers who understand the unique aspects of the business.

Joining our food truck association can be a valuable investment for owners looking to grow their business and navigate the challenges of the food truck industry.



Although SCOFTA is a newly formed association, the experience of our members is vast, spanning the entire state of Queensland. Our members have participated in a wide range of events, including cultural, music, local urban and country festivals, as well as all facets of sporting events and community celebrations. With our extensive backgrounds, we are now coming together to leverage our collective experiences and strengths as a non-profit organization, aiming to foster growth and support for the food truck industry on the Sunshine Coast.